Rega em casa: 3 passos para montar um sistema de rega
regasistema de rega

Home irrigation: 3 steps to setting up a watering system

It is everyone's dream to have a lush, well-kept garden. For this to be possible, the soil needs to be properly moisturised. Watering is one of the most important tasks to keep your garden in good condition.

Discover in this blog how you can set up the ideal irrigation system for your garden!

The main purpose of the irrigation system is to provide a controlled supply of water, in the right quantity and at the right time, so that the soil remains moist (up to 10-15 cm deep) and the existing vegetation remains alive and looking good.

The installation of an irrigation system suitable for your garden, besides being practical and autonomous, helps reduce maintenance costs and avoid wasting water. Besides being a benefit to your wallet, irrigation systems are environmentally friendly.

Step 1: Plan

A good planning for the installation of the irrigation system is essential, as it avoids problems that compromise its effectiveness. When planning, consider the region where you are located, because in rainier places, you do not need to spend so much water.

Start by drawing the area where you will install the system, locating the water source, obstacles (bushes, trees), and the places where the sprayers will be installed. Finally, calculate the meters of pipe required for the entire irrigation system.

Step 2: Choosing the irrigation system

Each terrain has its own morphology, which in turn requires a specific irrigation system.

In general, we consider that there are three types of irrigation systems: macro irrigation or sprinkling, micro sprinkling and drip irrigation.


In this method, to reach the whole surface in a uniform way, the water is distributed as rain. This method can make use of two systems:

- Sprinklers: rotating and high-pressure emitters, ideal for medium/large surfaces;

- Sprayers: low pressure emitters, indicated for smaller areas.


In this method water is distributed in plots, through micro sprinklers, also in the form of rain.

XERI-POP Micro Sprinkler - RAIN BIRD

Drop by Drop

It is a system of easy construction, where irrigation is done at points in the soil through low pressure drippers, ideally located next to each plant, with the distribution of water in the form of a drop.

The pipes contain small holes where they are filled by drippers, which allow the water to flow out to the plants.

It is a system of easy construction, where irrigation is done at points on the ground through low pressure drippers, ideally located next to each plant, and the distribution of water is done drop wise.

The pipes contain small holes where they are filled by drippers, which allow the water to flow out to the plants.

Step 3: Mounting the system

The most common method of mounting an irrigation system is below ground, however installation techniques can change depending on the characteristics of the pipes.

If you install the system underground the steps are as follows:

- Open the trenches for the piping with the pipe dimensions;

- Connect the pipes and place them in the trenches;

- Drill the main pipes, to connect them to the vertical pipes, where the emitters will be placed;

- If necessary, cut the vertical pipe bearing in mind that the emitters must be at ground level;

- Place the emitters in the vertical pipes;

- Close the ends of the pipes with appropriate covers;

- Cover the trenches.

Finally, it's necessary to assemble the controller, where you can regulate the watering schedule and time, thus obtaining an efficient management of the watering times and amount of water released.

Now you know how to install the irrigation system, having the convenience of controlling the watering of your garden from a distance and saving time. Installing an irrigation system incorrectly can cause some problems, including equipment breakage and water leaks and the possible replacement of the entire system structure. If you are afraid and do not want to assemble the system, leave the assembly to professionals, thus ensuring more efficiency and autonomy.